
quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011


51 Denominações Protestantes espalhadas em 6740 Igrejas que celebram casamentos ou uniões homossexuais

Segundo o site www.gaychurch.org estas são as 51 denominações cadastradas até o momento que celebram casamentos ou uniões homossexuais, são as chamadas igrejas gay.

Isto representa uma das maiores contribuições do protestantismo para as Portas do Inferno, só podemos dizer parabéns Lutero, parabéns Calvino, parabéns Zuínglio, parabéns a todos os seus seguidores que tornam isso possível.

No Brasil esse movimento de igrejas protestantes inclusivas – que visam atender o grupo LGBTs vem  aumentando assustadoramente. No Brasil podemos citar algumas dessas igrejas gay, destacando-se: A igreja para todos, ‘Igreja Cristã Metropolitana’, ‘Comunidade Cidade Refúgio’ fundada pela missionaria  Lanna Holder, conhecidissima no meio da Assembreia de Deus, a ‘Igreja Contemporânea Cristã’ por Marcos Gladstone e a ‘Comunidade Cristã Nova Esperança’ .



A Igreja, que é "a coluna e sustentáculo da verdade" (1Tm 3,15), guarda fielmente a fé uma vez por todas confiada aos santos (Cf. Jd 1,3). É ela que conserva a memória das Palavras de Cristo, é ela que transmite de geração em geração a confissão de fé dos apóstolos. Como uma mãe que ensina seus filhos a falar e, com isso, a compreender e a comunicar, a Igreja, nossa Mãe, nos ensina a linguagem da fé para introduzir-nos na compreensão e na vida da fé. (Catecismo da Igreja Católica)



Affirm     (United Church of Canada) (United Church of Canada)
Affirm is an organization of persons working through education and social integration for the welcoming of diverse peoples, especially the inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons in the life and work of the church. Affirm is composed of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and so it is open to all people within the United Church of Canada who support these goals.
Note: This sites is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the United Church of Canada.

The Affirming Pentecostal Church International (APCI) is an organization of Apostolic Pentecostal ministers, churches, and ministries who are all LGBTS affirming and Pentecostal.  APCI emphasize that they are Apostolic in doctrine, Pentcostal in worship style, but Christian in spirit- fellowshipping with all God's children- not just the Pentecostal ones.  Although started in December of 2010 it is now the largest LGBTS affirming Pentecostal denomination in the world.

Note: All APCI churches are affirming.
The Evangelical Anglican Church In America is a denomination created within the Anglican/Catholic tradition within the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and practices faithful stewardship of our sacramental heritage and traditions in the service of all God’s people. Though not in full communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury, the titular head of the Anglican Communion, the EACA shares with the Communion similar expressions of polity, doctrine and worship, such as acceptance of the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion as its doctrinal foundation and the use of the Book of Common Prayer as its liturgical standard.

Note: All EACA churches are affirming.
Integrity Canada is a national network of organizations and friends working toward the full inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the life of the Anglican Church of Canada. We are part of the international lesbian and gay Christian movement, encouraging churches around the world to promote the basic human rights of gay and lesbian people and to support their active participation in the life of the Church.

Note: These sites are one of the links to finding welcoming Anglican churches in Canada.
Working for Gay (GLBT) affirmation within the Anglican communion with a special emphasis on the Anglican churches based in the United Kingdom.

Note: These sites are one of the links to finding welcoming Anglican churches in the United Kingdom.
Proud Anglicans works to unite, support and affirm gay and lesbian welcoming churches throughout Canada. Their web site contains a comprehensive list of welcoming Anglican churches throughout Canada.

Note: These sites are one of the links to finding welcoming churches Anglican churches in Canada.
The reformed Anglican catholic church's mission is to empower people to continue Christ's reconciliatory work in the world by breaking down the walls that divide. We strive to bring all people to Christ's saving embrace.

We seek to be:
        The Anglican church of the modern world,
        The catholic church of the 21st century,
        The ever reforming and inclusive church of today
Note: As far as we are aware all Reformed Anglican Catholic churches are welcoming.
Alliance of Baptists (Baptist) -- founded 1987
The Alliance of Baptists is a movement of progressive Christians--individuals and congregations--seeking to respond to the continuing call of God in a rapidly changing world.  The Alliance offers a clear voice for Christian freedom, distinctively Baptist and intentionally ecumenical in an interfaith world.
From its inception in 1987, the Alliance has called Baptists to stand for those values which have distinguished the Baptist movement from its beginnings four centuries ago--the freedom and accountability of every individual in matters of faith; the freedom of each congregation under the authority of Jesus Christ to determine its own ministry and mission; and religious freedom for all in relationship to the state.  Alliance members and churches mark our commitment to God and each other by the annual renewal of our uniquely Baptist founding covenant. Note: Alliance posts a commitment to "inclusiveness" on their web site but doesn't state what that specifically means to them.
Note: We believe many Alliance Baptist churches are welcoming (this is currently being researched). As far as we are aware, very few Baptist churches are welcoming.

Baptists Peace Fellowship (Baptist) -- founded 1984
Our mission: The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America gathers, equips and mobilizes Baptists to build a culture of peace rooted in justice. We labor with a wonderful array of peacemakers to change the world.

We are called by God to the Gospel of Peace. This calling is rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ, who is our Peace, in whom God is reconciling the world and through whom God calls us to the ministry of peacemaking. Peace is not only our goal, but our means. The foundation of peace is justice. The force of peace is love.
Note: We don't know how many Baptist churches that belong to this organization are welcoming (that is being researched). As far as we are aware, very few Baptist churches are welcoming.

Welcoming and Affirming Baptist / Baptist (Baptist) -- refounded 1993 / 1972 (original group)
We envision that the day may speedily come within Baptist Churches when no one shall feel excluded from God's love in Jesus Christ because of their sexual orientation. Members of the Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists (AWAB) are churches, organizations, and individuals who are willing to go on record as welcoming and affirming all persons without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity, and who have joined together to advocate for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons within Baptist communities of faith.

Note: This site is one of the primary links to finding the welcoming churches within the Baptist denomination. As far as we are aware, very few Baptist churches are welcoming.

The American Catholic Church in the United States affirms traditional Catholic beliefs of faith and love, spirituality, community and prayer. It celebrates the seven sacraments and adheres to the essential Catholic doctrine and practice as expressed and implied in the statements of Vatican Council II, and in the light of the best contemporary thought.

The American Catholic Church in the United States proclaims the unconditional love and compassion of God, which embraces every human person regardless of their state or condition in life. We acknowledge the primacy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to speak in our day through the "sensus fidelium" ("sense of the faithful") of the Catholic Church, leading to a world of justice and peace.

Note: As far as we are aware all American Catholic churches are welcoming.
  The American Catholic Church of New England
No distinctions are made on the basis of sex, race, gender orientation or identity, class, disability, marital status, divorce or remarriage, birth control or abortion. We welcome all who believe in Christ to the Baptismal Font and to the Table of the Lord, we bless the marriages of heterosexual and homosexual unions, we ordain qualified persons without regard to any of the above conditions. We believe that Church is called to be a sign of God's unconditional love in the world and a reconciling presence helping to break down the dividing walls that separate us from a sense of our shared humanity and kinship in God our Creator.

Note: As far as we are aware all American Catholic of New England churches are welcoming.

CACINA is an independent of the Catholic Church; a member of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church established by Our Lord Jesus Christ to bring the Gospel to all people. CACINA's history began with the establishment of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil in 1945 as a result of the civil and ecclesiastic persecutions in Brazil in the 1930's and 1940's. The Catholic Apostolic Church was brought to the United States shortly thereafter. CACINA is independent from the Roman Catholic church and considers itself neither Roman Catholic nor Protestant, but simply Catholic.

Note: As far as we are aware all CACINA churches are welcoming.
 We are Christ's Catholic Church, and we welcome you and not just some of you but every one of you! We are a radically inclusive church and that means everyone!  To that end we affirm the equality of every person in life, faith, sacrament and service, regardless of ability, sexuality or gender, appearance, culture, vocation or theological opinion.  Christ’s Catholic Church, an ecumenical free catholic communion in the Old Catholic tradition, sees itself as only one expression of God’s Truth among many such Christian expressions and it holds firm to the belief that the Church really is One. It knows no national boundaries, no ethnic allegiance, no historic founder except Jesus Christ, no imperial court, and no secular government. Being truly free in the “free church” tradition, it has known neither papal prince nor earthly king. It seeks to be truly universal or catholic and ecumenical, serving all of God’s children with love, welcoming all to His Sacraments, and inviting all people to His care and fellowship. It does so regardless of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation or preference, historic tradition, or state of grace, and at the same time holds fast to the Apostolic Faith.  We're another way to be catholic and yet be who God has made you to be.  Come, see for yourself!  Welcome!
Note: As far as we are aware all Christ Catholic churches are welcoming.
Dignity USA (Roman atholic)
DIGNITY is organized to unite gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholics, as well as our families, friends and loved ones in order to develop leadership, and be an instrument through which we may be heard by and promote reform in the Church. To be such an organization, we accept our responsibilities to the Church, to our Catholic heritage, to society, and to individual gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholics.
  1. TO THE CHURCH: We work for the development of sexual theology leading to the reform of its teachings and practices regarding human sexuality, and for the acceptance of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender peoples as full and equal members of the one Christ.
  2. TO SOCIETY: We work for justice and equality through education and by supporting social and legal reforms.
  3. TO INDIVIDUAL GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER CATHOLICS: We reinforce their sense of self-acceptance and dignity and encourage full participation in the life of the Church and society.
Note: Very few Roman Catholic churches are welcoming due to their denominations very staunch anti-gay policies.
We are a gathering of Faith Communities from across America who have entered into a covenant relationship with one another as we seek to celebrate the love of Christ in all people. We are deeply committed to our Catholic identity and practice a distinctively Catholic Faith Tradition that is rooted in the ancient Church. We also believe that as Catholics we have the responsibility of honoring our Catholic Tradition while responding in love and wisdom to the needs and realities of the contemporary world. Note: As far as we are aware all Evangelical Catholic Churches are welcoming.
The Evangelical Catholic Church
The Evangelical Catholic Church is a validly independent consecrated and reformed Catholic Faith Community continuing the celebration of the Liturgical, Spiritual and Sacramental traditions of Catholicism in the spirit of unconditional welcoming and acceptance for all the People of God.

Note: As far as we are aware all Evangelical Catholic Churches are welcoming.
Independent Catholic Christian Church
The Independent Catholic Christian Church is an independent sacramental Christian jurisdiction that seeks to bring God and humanity into full communion, sharing the riches of the Christian tradition inclusively with all who seek God or a deeper knowledge of God

Note: As far as we are aware all Independent Catholic Christian Churches are welcoming.
Jesus models for us the inclusion that God has for all people.  None of us are without sin nor should we judge others-that is for God alone.  Precepts of the Church help us develop our moral and ethical lives.  A well-formed conscience becomes the grounding force for Catholic living. As the Holy Spirit guides the Church, we come to new insights and understandings.  Catholic faith, based in the Scriptures, Magisterial Teaching and Apostolic Traditions coupled with reason, intelligence and a well-formed conscience is a faith open to God's ongoing revelation.  It is not about maintaining the way things have "always been"!  As the Psalmist has sung, God writes straight with crooked lines.  Let's journey together and grow in God's love.
Note: As far as we are aware all Reformed Catholic Churches are welcoming.
"The clergy of the Orthodox-Catholic Church of America (OCCA) are a diverse group of men and women who have responded to a calling into sacramental ministry in a myriad of settings which include parishes, hospitals, nursing homes, jails and prisons, spirituality centers, monasteries, social centers, home chapels, etc. Our common task is to live within the Great Orthodox Tradition in an American way, praying for one another and ministering the Holy Mysteries to people who find themselves hungry for God and have yet to be welcomed at the Holy Table.

Note: As far as we are aware all Reformed Catholic Churches are welcoming.
We are a community created to shepherd and become a home for all those without a spiritual home. We retain basic Catholic beliefs of love, faith, spirituality, prayer and sacramentality. Although a newly formed rite, we remain in, and honor, the traditions of the Orthodox Catholic churches and the old Catholic Church of Utrecht, Netherlands.

Note: As far as we are aware all Reformed Catholic Churches are welcoming.
As a denomination, we are one of hundreds of independent Catholic churches in the United States. Our mission is to carry the gospel, the sacraments, and God’s love and fellowship to the unchurched, the alienated, the isolated, and the excommunicated (the church’s homeless). We welcome all Christians to our Communion rail, and serve all, but our primary outreach is to three groups: first, to the millions of former Roman Catholics who, for one reason or another, no longer go to Mass or receive Communion. Second, to the increasing number of Christians who have no single tradition background from childhood, and who feel they can comfortably be neither Roman Catholic nor Protestant.  And third, to the isolated, individuals who through age, sickness, or other impediment can no longer reach out to participate in a faith community and now find themselves alone.   To the outcast, we offer inclusion; to the rejected, acceptance; to the afflicted, comfort; to the sinner, forgiveness; to the despondent, hope; to the troubled, peace.  In pursuit of this healing mission the United Catholic Church actively sponsors both congregations where people can grow in Christ, and missions/chaplaincies that reach out to the unchurched.
Note: As far as we are aware all United Catholic Church are welcoming.
United Ecumenical Catholic Church Australia (Catholic)
"One Church - United in Christ." The United Ecumenical Catholic Church is a “new” church of Catholic tradition. We hold an ancient faith with a new vision. We seek to take the gospel and holy sacraments to all people and do not discriminate on any basis. As Christ accepted all, so do we.

We are a contemporary, constituent body of Christ's faithful. We are a member church of The One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. While services and beliefs are very similar to the Roman Catholic Church, we are not part of the Roman Catholic Church and are not in Communion with Rome.

Our church is a welcoming worship community and we do not discriminate on the basis of gender, marital or social status, race, economic ability, orientation or other baseless form of discrimination. We welcome all to the Altar of Christ and refuse communion to no person who seeks it reverently. Christ did not refuse to feed the physically or spiritually hungry - neither do we.

We are a contemporary church that believes the Holy Spirit helps us to grow spiritually as and when we are able. Just as Christ was revealed to us when we were ready to receive him, so too many other things (and understandings) have been revealed to us when we were ready to receive them.

Note: As far as we are aware all UECC churches are welcoming.
The Liberal Catholic Apostolic Church is non-dogmatic in nature, traditional yet relevant for today, and is open to the insights of all faiths and philosophies. This openness means that the LCAC has a unique spiritual character and appeal, and that its mission reaches beyond conventional boundaries to embrace a genuine universality. We see our work as firmly grounded in the wish of Jesus Christ that His church strive to attain unity in the face of its differences, and thus conceive the LCAC as a primarily ecumenical mission church.
Note: As far as I'm aware all Liberal Catholic Churches are welcoming.
The National Catholic Church of America (Catholic)
Catholic Christians in our lifetime are being presented with an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity we are given is the chance to affirm the unconditional love of almighty God for people of all nations, cultures and economic conditions in a way not possible before the advent of our present technology and our deeper knowledge about the human condition. Whether our differences are ones of gender, age, sexual orientation, race or ability, the Holy Spirit calls us to celebrate our essential unity as brothers and sisters in Christ and children of a loving God. The challenge we face is to respond to the call of the Gospel to make this unity a reality in our churches, our workplaces, our families and our daily lives.

The National Catholic Church of America was established in order to bring together those who share this vision of being Church and who desire to preserve the richness of their Catholic spiritual heritage. One of a large number of independent Catholic jurisdictions, the NCCA is an apostolic ministry of those who are dedicated to this inclusive vision and who desire to bring the love of Christ and the healing power of sacramental grace and loving service to all.
Note: As far as I'm aware all National Catholic Churches are welcoming.

Welcoming Roman Catholic Churches (Catholic)
Unfortunately I cannot list my sources for welcoming Roman Catholic churches. After doing some investigative work it appears that there is a major 'witch' hunt going on within the Catholic church to weed out "welcoming" churches, priests and nuns. Rather than list my sources, many of which have now buried their welcoming lists deep within their web sites. I have instead elected to simply list the welcoming parishes in the directory and give no 'proof' as to where this information has come from. This gives 'plausible deniability' to the affected parishes if they should be attacked by the more conservative elements within their church. Being raised Catholic in the Jesuit tradition this saddens me to no end and I pray a day may come when hiding and protecting our brothers and sisters in the ministry is no longer necessary.

Note: As far as we are aware very few Catholic churches are welcoming.

The Christian United Church is a connectional covenant community of people who gather through word and sacrament  to live as Disciples of Christ. Each congregation is connected in the Body of Christ through membership in the Christian United Church.
The CUC consists of people from many denominations who embraced a Methodist polity. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism and Richard Allen, the founder of African Methodism are the source of our spiritual inspiration. They sought to create faith communities that were grounded in scriptural holiness, social holiness and the liberation of people from injustice.

Note: As far as we are aware all Christian United churches are welcoming.
GALA: Gay and Lesbian Acceptance (Community of Christ)
GALA is an association of gay, lesbian, bisexual and straight persons, their families and friends who have a connection to the Community of Christ (formerly Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) faith community. GALA brings spiritual wholeness and seeks social justice for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender persons and allies. We claim the sacredness of each life story as a community united in hope.
Note: This site is one of the primary links to finding the welcoming churches within the Community of Christ denomination.
The Gay, Lesbian, and Affirming Disciples Alliance is an organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and affirming members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We are a prophetic voice calling for the full inclusion of LGBT persons in the Church. We nurture and support one another. We provide educational resources to the Church on issues important to LGBT Christians.
We gather annually for fellowship, worship, nurture, support, and education at the General Assembly of the Christian Church and in other locations during years when the Assembly does not meet. We also gather in regional chapters.

Note: This site is one of the primary links to finding the welcoming churches within the Disciples of Christ denomination.
Integrity / Episcopal Church (Episcopal) -- founded 1974
A witness of God's inclusive love to the Episcopal Church and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.
No good thing will God withhold from those who walk with Integrity.  Psalm 84:11

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Episcopal Church.
Integrity El Camino Real California / Episcopal Church (Episcopal)
Integrity/El Camino Real holds worship services and meetings, staffs booths and marches at Pride events, sponsors special events, and holds an annual two-day retreat. We help people find welcoming congregations, respond to questions about GLBT issues and the Episcopal Church, assist congregations at their request, and participate in our diocesan convention. We also support the efforts of our chapter members and friends, and work in solidarity with other Integrity chapters and the national organization. The Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real comprises the following California counties: Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, and San Luis Obispo.

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Episcopal Church.

Integrity Virginia / Episcopal Church (Episcopal)
The mission of Integrity/Virginia is to provide a spiritual support and advocacy network among gay and lesbian members of Episcopal churches in the Diocese of Virginia. As such, we live and worship in witness: as gay and lesbian Episcopalians in the Diocese of Virginia and as Christians to the larger gay and lesbian community.

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Episcopal Church.
Oasis California / Episcopal Church (Episcopal)
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of California. Celebrating God's Presence in GLBT Life and Advocating Justice for GLBT People.

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Episcopal Church.

The Oasis/Missouri assists gay, lesbian, and transgendered Episcopalians, their families, and friends by providing support, resources, and educational materials to assist their congregations and clergy to be more open and welcoming to all people.

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Episcopal Church.

 "The OASIS is a part of our response as a community of faith to our own baptismal vows: "To seek Christ in all persons and respect the dignity of every human being."

Our goal is to make honest the universality of the publicly stated invitation: "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You." The Oasis is charged with the task of fighting the prejudice that diminishes the humanity of a single child of God. It is created and designed to raise the consciousness of the whole church so that the life-giving love of God may be seen as embracing all that God has created.

"We have so much to learn about the mystery of human sexuality. The long and oppressive history of homophobia still exerts its killing power on us all. Public role models of gay and lesbian people, living whole and beautiful lives, need to be held up before the church and the world."
- the Rt. Rev. John Shelby Spong, Bishop of Newark (now retired)

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Episcopal Church.

In 1998, the Bishop's Commission asked the parishes on its welcoming parishes list to consider passing the following resolution:
“Whereas Jesus Christ calls us to love God and our neighbor as ourselves; and whereas all people, including gay and lesbian people, are children of God, created in God’s image; and whereas the family is the basic social unit in which we are called to live together and to give and receive nurture and support; and whereas we believe in the value of loving, committed families of God’s children, therefore [name of congregation] of [city], California
  • To respect the dignity of every human being, including gays and lesbians, as our neighbors.
  • To support the efforts of all people, including gays and lesbians, to build and sustain faithful and nurturing family relationships consonant with their sexual identities.
  • To welcome all people, including gays and lesbians, within our community and encourage their full participation in all of the privileges, responsibilities, and governance as members of the congregation.”
Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Episcopal Church.

Our primary purpose is to serve Christ our Lord through our fellow human beings by recognizing, affirming, and supporting the Truth in the mind of every person and the Love in the heart of every person. Our ministry is to those who hunger and thirst for Truth in this time of social fragmentation, ecclesiastical disunity, and spiritual delusion. Our community objectives include maintaining a place of prayer and spiritual asylum where the full liturgical life of the Orthodox way is observed; to present the ancient mystical and ascetic Orthodox way as a viable spiritual path for contemporary women and men; and to maintain a spiritual community characterized by inclusiveness and committed to human service and spiritual growth while functioning in the secular world. Our commitment to making our functioning in the world a holy work is what makes us different from most other spiritual communities. We are under the spiritual guidance of Archimandrite Gabriel, Igumenos. If you are visiting Albuquerque, please come and worship with us. All are welcome.

Note: As far as we are aware all Independent Greek Orthodox Church of the United States  churches are welcoming.
A community of people united in proclaiming Jesus Christ as their Savior, to be an inclusive, affirming denomination. A denomination that stands firm behind its beliefs and vision, and that lives as witnesses to the Gospels it embraces ... we spring forth to be the International Christian Community Churches.

Note: As far as we are aware all ICCC churches are welcoming.

Lutherans Concerned North America / Evangelical Lutheran Church
We believe that God values and embraces each person as a beloved child, that the Spirit gives a diversity of gifts for the common good, and that Jesus Christ calls us to work for justice. The ministries of Lutherans Concerned / North America (LC/NA) embody, inspire, and support the acceptance and full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, their families, friends and allies, within the Lutheran communion and its ecumenical and global partners.

Note: This site is one of the primary links to finding the welcoming churches within the Evangelical Lutheran churches. As far as we are aware most  Lutheran churches are not welcoming.
Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC)
"The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches is a Christian Church founded in and reaching beyond the Gay and Lesbian communities. We embody and proclaim Christian salvation and liberation, Christian inclusivity and community, and Christian social action and justice. We serve among those seeking and celebrating the integration of their spirituality and sexuality."
Note: All MCC Churches are welcoming.

The Brethren/Mennonite Council for Lesbian and Gay Concerns was founded in 1976.  Our objectives are:
  • To provide support for Mennonite and Church of the Brethren gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual people, their friends and families
  • To foster dialogue between gay and non-gay people in churches
  • To provide accurate information about human sexuality from various theological, sociological, psychological, and biblical perspectives.
Note: This site is one of the primary links to finding the welcoming churches within the Brethren/Mennonite congregations. We don't know if most Brethren/Mennonite are welcoming or not.
Global Alliance of Apostolic Pentecostals (GAAAP) / (Pentecostal)
Global Alliance of Apostolic Pentecostals goal is to build a safety net for gay Christians coming out of abusive conservative churches and see the wounds of spiritual violence healed.  We particularly want to be a refuge for gay Pentecostal ministers who are searching for restoration to a healthy, affirming ministry. 
Note: As far as we are aware all GAAAP churches are gay affirming.
Covenant Network of Presbyterians / Presbyterian Church (USA)
The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a broad-based, national group of clergy and lay leaders working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just, and whole. We seek to support the mission and unity of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in a time of potentially divisive controversy. We intend to articulate and act on the church's historic, progressive vision and to work for a fully inclusive church. We are committed to finding a way both to live out the graciously hospitable gospel we have received and to live together with all our fellow members in the PC(USA).
"The Covenant Network of Presbyterians has been committed since its founding to the full participation of lesbian and gay Presbyterians in the life and ordained leadership of the church. We will support efforts in presbyteries and at the 217th General Assembly in 2006 that advance this goal."

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Presbyterian denomination. As far as we are aware most  Presbyterian churches are not welcoming.
More Light Presbyterian / Presbyterian Church (USA) (Presbyterian) -- founded 1974
The mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people of faith in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We are individual members and congregations of the Presbyterian Church (USA) who are faithful to God's call and believe that God continues to open new understandings of scripture and the Word in the life of Christ. As a Christian community, we believe that the church must seek to live out those understandings in our life together.
Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the Presbyterian denomination. As far as we are aware most  Presbyterian churches are not welcoming.
FLGBTQC is a North American Quaker faith community that affirms that of God in all people. Gathering twice yearly for worship and play, we draw sustenance from each other and from the Spirit for our work and life in the world. We are learning that radical inclusion and radical love bring further light to Quaker testimony and life. Note: another source of Quaker meetings.

Note: I do not know how many Quaker churches are welcoming.
The Evangelical Network
The Evangelical Network (TEN) is a group of Bible believing Charismatic churches, ministries, Christian workers and individuals bound together by a common shared faith, united in purpose and witness and established as a positive resource and support for Christian gays and lesbians.

Note: All TEN Churches are welcoming.
UCC Coalition (United Church of Christ) -- ONA founded 1985
The Coalition provides support and sanctuary to all our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sisters and brothers, their families and friends; advocates for their full inclusion in church and society; and brings Christ's affirming message of love and justice for all people. Creating and supporting Open and Affirming (ONA) settings within the United Church of Christ.

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the UCC denomination. It is important to note that more than just the ONA UCC churches are welcoming within the UCC denomination. Conversely not all UCC churches are welcoming. www.gaychurch.org's list is by far the most comprehensive list of welcoming UCC churches out there as we emailed every single "God is Still Talking" UCC church (i.e. the churches that supported the "Everyone is welcome" add campaign) and ONA UCC church to find out if they were welcoming or not.
United Church of Christ
Welcome to the United Church of Christ—a community of faith that seeks to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. The UCC was founded in 1957 as the union of several different Christian traditions. Because the UCC is a union of several Christian traditions and each congregation governs its own affairs, you will find a diversity of worship styles and theology in our church. Our motto—"that they may all be one"—is Jesus' prayer for the unity of the church.

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the UCC denomination. It is important to note that not all UCC churches are welcoming. www.gaychurch.org's list is by far the most comprehensive list of welcoming UCC churches out there as we emailed every single "God is Still Talking" UCC church (i.e. the churches that supported the "Everyone is welcome" add campaign) to find out how they stood on the issue of welcoming gays and lesbians.
Reconciling Ministries Network UMC (United Methodist Church) -- founded 1983
Reconciling Ministries Network is a national grassroots organization that exists to enable full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life of the United Methodist Church, both in policy and practice.

Note: This site is one of the links to finding the welcoming churches within the UMC denomination.
The "Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals International" is a network of Pentecostal ministers, churches, and ministries which seeks by means of the full gospel of Jesus Christ to reconcile all repentant people to God without regard to race, gender, political persuasion, economic or educational status, sexual orientation, nationality, religious affiliation, or any other thing that divides.  RPI provides wounded Apostolics an affirming home among those of "like precious faith", and a safety net for those in personal, family, or religious crisis.  We stand together in love, and for the glory of Jesus' Name, to promote apostolic truth, Pentecostal worship, righteousness, counseling, education, evangelism, ministerial accountability, and fellowship.  We extend our hands and hearts to all Bible believers that together we may be the open arms of the Lord Jesus Christ, reaching all the people, with all the gospel until Jesus returns.
Note: All RPI churches are welcoming.
Unitarian Universalist Association
While not "Christian"  in the more traditional sense of the word. It's important to note the important and vital role the UUA congregations have made over the years for the gay and lesbian community. For many of our congregations our first church home was offered to us by a sympathetic UUA congregation. The GLBT community is eternally in the UUA denominations debt for the leadership role they have taken through the years to spear head justice and equality for all people.
Note: As far as I'm aware most UUA congregations are welcoming.

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